Wednesday, September 18, 2013

DAY 9: Starting to Serve (I’m technically ‘serving’ not ‘working’)

(September 17)
Bear Sightings: 0

The coolest thing I’ve done so far is the Discovery Room. This project is for 3rd through 6th graders and involves students in doing their own scientific research. Depending on the age group the students learn weather monitoring, water sampling, and even build aquatic ROVs (Remote Operated Vehicles). In addition to learning how to collect and record data the students learn how their observations relate to the world around them.

On Monday I was in a fourth grade classroom, primarily as an observer. Marita and Lindsay, my coworkers, did the heavy lifting with the lectures while I took pictures of the proceedings. We spent some time reviewing what the kids had learned the previous year. Then we split them into two groups; one group learned to test a water sample for nitrogen and phosphorus while the other learned to use a Niskin bottle and other equipment. After a while the groups switched instructors, and we finished up with a review of what we’d learned.

Saw a bald eagle while we were driving around on Monday
Today (Tuesday) we went to see the fifth grade class, with the same basic outline. Lindsay was unable to join us, so I took over teaching how to use the equipment. Photosynthesis came up in our review, and I was asked to give an explanation of how to balance an equation (water + carbon dioxide yields sugar + oxygen). I did a review of how to count the atoms in each molecule, then gave a simplified explanation on the Law of Conservation of Mass. I expected the kids to get bored and have to make a quick ending to my talk, but they were engaged the whole time, and most of them followed the math! It felt pretty awesome!

BEAR FACT: Bears have personal space just like we do. Bears will act to protect food, cubs, or their bubble.

My boss returns to the office tomorrow, I’m excited to get into more of the work. I’ll be video taping and making fliers for the weekly lectures, trying to modify the ROVs to have variable speeds (instead of on vs off), and continuing to meet with the students in the classroom or in the field once a month.

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